Baltimore Martial Arts and BMAA's logos are trademarks of Baltimore Martial Arts Academy, Inc.. None of these trademarks may be used without the expressed and written consent of their owner, Gary Berger. Unauthorized use will result in criminal proceedings based upon federal statutes and civil liability as determined by the AFC's legal counsel.

The files and images located under the domain collectively represent the official web site of BMAA.-COPYRIGHT © 2012 and are the property of Gary Berger, Baltimore, Maryland. All Rights Reserved. Use of any text or graphics presented in this web-publication without the written permission of the owner is strictly prohibited by law.

©2011 Baltimore Martial Arts Academy Inc. There are underlying copyright interests in the various works of authorship associated with this trademark. These copyright and trademark interests may not be reproduced and redistributed, with or without alteration in whole or in part, unless prior written permission provided by Baltimore Martial Arts Academy Inc of 6565 Baltimore National Pike, Catonsville, MD 21228. Trade Mark Disclaimer & Status