Tenyeh Dixon – Pro MMA Raffel
Baltimore Martial Arts & Fitness is holding a raffle to help sponsor Tenyeh Dixon's next professional MMA fight. Help Support Tenyeh and you could win some really cool prizes.
First Prize - Bushel of Maryland Steamed Crabs, a Case of Beer, a Pair of Windy Boxing Gloves & 2 Tickets to Our Next MMA Event
Second Prize - Three Month's Unlimited BMAA Membership
Third Prize - One Hour Private Lesson with Tenyeh
Tickets may be purchased at our school. The drawing will take place at our school on Thursday night, July 18th at 6:45PM. You do not have to be present to win and there are no limits on how many tickets that an individual can purchase.
One ticket for $3
Four tickets for $10
Ten tickets for $20
Tenya has a Pro MMA record 12-9 with 7 first round finishes. Tenyeh won welterweight championships in Locked in The Cage & Xtreme Caged Combat. Interestingly, Tenyeh had his beginnings at Baltimore Martial Arts many years ago. We are excited to have Tenyeh return and to learn and benefit from his experience and knowledge gained over the years.

Tenyeh Dixon is Maryland's most decorated and accomplished Mixed Martial Arts Fighter. He is Maryland's first and only two time MMA Pro Champion. Check out this video of Tenyeh
Tenyeh "Skinnyman" Dixon

Some of Tenyeh's other martial arts accomplishments include winning the 2005 Lei Thai tournament in Hunt Valley Maryland and being a runner up at the King of San Da world ametur tournament in 2004.
Baltimore's Newest Champion Tenyeh "Skinnyman" Dixon
Check out this article in the Baltimore Sun about Tenyeh DixonIf you are interested in learning Mixed Martial Arts or if you already have MMA experience and you want to elevate your game to the next level, give us a call and we will schedule a sit down consultation with you to discuss your goals and how Baltimore Martial Arts can help you. In addition to MMA, Baltimore Martial Arts has other support programs and classes that work along with MMA that include: Muay Thai Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Russian Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning classes and more. Baltimore Martial Arts is also working on a venture towards hopefully adding Crossfit to its fitness programs.