Robert Ferguson

Tae Kwon Do Instructor 7th Dan
Robert Ferguson is the head Tae Kwon Do Instructor at Baltimore Martial Arts. He has been practicing and teaching Tae Kwon Do since 1972. Tae Kwon Do instills courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control and the indomitable spirit. Mr. Fersuson has taught TKD at several reputable institutions including O,Campo's Taekwondo, WW Taekwondo Westiminster Md., Y.M.C.A, I.T.S. Tae Kwon Do, Loyola College, U.S. Coast Guard Base, Md., Baltimore City Police, Northrop Grumman, Baltimore Taekwon-Do, Baltimore Highlands Taekwon-Do etc. Come try a Tae Kwon Do free class at Baltimore Martial Arts Academy and learn TKD from a 7th degree master, Robert Ferguson.