Baltimore Martial Arts Enters Thanksgiving Throwdown Tournament

The Good Fight Thanksgiving Throwdown Baltimore Martial Arts Academy will be competing in large numbers in the Thanksgiving Throwdown tournament hosted by The Good Fight. Competitors ranging from the Kids' Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program on up to Adults, Senior, and Masters competitors will be featured in competition. The event will be held on Saturday, November 16th in Millersville, MD at the Benfield Sportscenter. Each academy has the opportunity to earn points towards a team championship. For more information on The Good Fight and Thanksgiving Throwdown, log-on to Baltimore Martial Arts Academy 6565 Baltimore National Pike, Catonsville, MD 21228 Looking for a map? Walk in M-F, 4:30-9PM Saturday, 8:30AM – 12:30PM & Sunday 2-4PM Visit our You Tube Channel{Baltimore Martial Arts You Tube}. Email us at:[email protected]
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